Home | CC | Bonus | Senior | Qual | Rd16 | Quarter | Semi | Fi+3/4 | Size: | 1 | 2 | 3 | Print this page | Mobile version |
Rank | Match | Cross | Bracket | Scorecard | Board | Personal | Line-up | Butler | Bid+play | DUP | Schedule | Vugraph | Roster | Conv card |
Segment: | << | >> | 1 | 2 |
Board: | << | >> | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | All |
Show/hide: | VP IMP Opp | IMP | Σ | IMP VP | Brds | VP Rank | Match | Line-up | Roster | Hand (above) | (below) | (left) | (right) | PBN |
Round of 16 | Quarter-final | Semi-final | Final + 3/4 Play-off | Winner | ||||||||
Glopson | w | 53 | Glopson | w | 69 | Glopson | w | 65 | Glopson | 44 | Seniorerna | |
Hässlerås | 28 | |||||||||||
Seniorerna | w | 69 | Limestone | 52 | ||||||||
Kungens vänner | 13 | |||||||||||
Cosmos | w | 65 | Seniorerna | w | 71 | Parr | 29 | |||||
LUCK 1981 | 12 | |||||||||||
Maskslam | 40 | Mall | 8 | |||||||||
Dinosarna | w | 53 | Seniorerna | w | 48 | |||||||
Tunn is | 18 | Cosmos | 28 | Seniorerna | w | 58 | ||||||
Limestone | w | 57 | ||||||||||
Maddes pojkar | 34 | Parr | w | 33 | ||||||||
Mall | w | 41 | ||||||||||
Harley | 18 | Dinosarna | 9 | Abandon Ship | 38 | |||||||
Abandon Ship | w | 74 | ||||||||||
Parr | w | 39 | Abandon Ship | w | 61 | Parr | 35 | |||||
Stufen | 25 | Abandon Ship | w | 36 |
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