Swiss Qualifying > Round 1       Thu 16 at 09.30 - 10.30
Swedish Winter Bridge Festival 2014
HomeQualQuarterSemiFinalSize: 1  2  3 Print this pageMobile version
RankMatchCrossBracketScorecardBoardPersonalLine-upButlerBid+playDUPScheduleRosterConv card
Round:<<>> 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 1011
Show/hide:VP IMP OppIMPΣIMP VPBrdsVP RankMatchLine-upRosterHand (above)(below)(left)(right)PBN
Tbl Select match:
 1  MIKA
Galne Gunnar
 2  4G
Bra hantverkare!
 3  Ruterfyran
Klöver fyra
 4  Namnlösa
 5  Lag Orust
 6  Ås BK
 7  Öhrn & co
Team West
 8  Snapdragon
GörAnns Lag
 9  Tvåpar
Karolas lag
You have clicked Scorecard in the menu. This means you have to select a match in the above list. Hint:   Click table number, IMP or VP in any window. That immediately shows the scorecard.