Open Teams > Round 4 > Board 4       Sat 28 at 16:15 - 17:30
Reykjavik Bridge Festival 2017
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Board:<<>> 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10All
Show/hide:VP IMP OppIMPΣIMP VPBrdsVP RankMatchLine-upRosterHand (above)(below)(left)(right)PBN
  4 KJ6     NT
  West QJ84   N 2 7 6 9 4
  All AKT92   S : 6 5 : :
    8   E-W 10 4 7 4 5
  743 9            
  T6 AK97   Par 4♣ by W = -130
  Q3 J876   Analysis by Bo Haglund's DDS
  KT9632 AQJ4   Double Dummy Solver
Tbl Team Contract Ld Res Score IMP   VP Rank  
 1  Denmark 3♠ S T = 140     7   74.48  1 
SFG 4♣ w A =     130     49.50 20
 2  Capone 4♣ w K =     130     54.92 10
de Botton 2♠ N T +1 140     7   60.07  3 
 3  Moran 4♠ S T -1     100 1   55.86  7 
Portland 4♣ w ♣8 =     130     55.55  8 
 4  Málning hf 3♠ S T = 140     6   59.52  4 
Garðs apótek 4♠ N K -1     100     46.13 29
 5  Vélasalan 2♠ S T +1 140         61.12  2 
Sorvoll 2♠ N K +1 140         50.15 19
 6  Småland 4♠ S ♠3 -1     100     52.76 15
Silla 4♠ N A -1     100     52.87 14
 7  TM Selfossi 3♣ w A +1     130     58.55  5 
Vermonsters 4♣ w A =     130     44.21 31
 8  Finngálkn 2♠ S 2 +1 140         46.80 28
Eimskip 3♠ S ♣6 = 140         55.29  9 
 9  Lögfræðistofa Íslands 3♠ N A +1 170     7   58.09  6 
1x2 4♠ N T -1     100     41.71 34
10 Bridge i Norge 4♠x S T -1     200     51.86 18
Pálmi Kristmannsson 3♠ S ♠3 = 140     8   48.61 23
11 Vopnabræður 5♠x S 6 -2     500     42.39 33
English 4♠x S T -1     200 7   54.18 12
12 Arne 4♠ S T -1     100     41.01 40
Vestri 2♠ S ♠3 +2 170     7   52.43 16
13 Töfri 5♣x w A =     750     36.27 50
Team Black 4♠ S T -1     100 12   54.55 11
14 Otx sf 3♠ S T = 140         49.14 21
GSE 2♠ S T +1 140         39.19 44
15 Kollgáta 3♠ S T = 140     1   53.71 13
Vinir 5♣ E 5 -1 100         33.79 60
16 Jón Baldursson 2♠ S ♠2 +1 140         48.31 24
Gunn and the boys 3♠ S T = 140         46.91 27
17 The lovely rose 4♠ S T -1     100     31.55 63
Fredin 4♠ S T -1     100     32.76 61
18 Þingvangur 3♠ S T = 140         48.24 25
ML-Laugarvatn Fontana 3♠ S T = 140         41.11 39
19 Tipaton Tee 2 N K +2 130     8   48.92 22
Set ehf 2 N ♠9 -2     200     35.16 55
20 The team 5♣ w A -1 100         34.34 57
Castner 2♠ S T +2 170     2   48.22 26
21 Pörupiltar 4♠ S ♣3 -1     100     35.52 54
Já sæll ehf 4♠ S ♣6 -1     100     42.76 32
22 Geysir 5♣x w K -1 200     3   41.69 35
LogoFlex 5♣ w K -1 100         35.89 52
23 INDRIÐI 4♣ w A =     130     41.01 40
Bústólpi ehf 4♠ S ♣2 = 620     13   35.81 53
24 Sveit atvinnulífsins 3♠ S T -1     100     39.20 43
Haugaland 2♠ S T +1 140     6   36.90 48
25 Hulduherinn 3♠ S ♠3 = 140         38.44 46
Gabríel 4♠ N A = 620     10   38.29 47
26 Vormenn Íslands 4♣ w A =     130 2   40.61 42
JE Skjanni ehf 3 N A -2     200     52.18 17
27 Icelandic Bar 2♠ S T = 110         25.35 76
Denna 3♠ S T = 140     1   29.29 69
28 Lekta 4♣ w A =     130     36.15 51
Fasteignaviðhald 3♣ w A +1     130     39.02 45
29 New York 2♠ S T +1 140     6   45.97 30
G&Ó lögmenn 2 N A -1     100     27.10 74
30 Álfaborg 3♠ N ♣6 = 140         41.35 37
Rafdreifing 2♠ S 5 +1 140         29.99 67
31 Bláfell's Luck 4♠ S T -1     100     41.45 36
Myndform 2♠ S T +1 140     6   30.77 64
32 Sushi 5♣ w A -1 100     5   34.33 58
Timburmenn ehf 4♠ S T -1     100     34.14 59
33 BLÁKLUKKA 3♠ S T = 140     6   35.06 56
LT 4♠ S T -1     100     23.79 80
34 Hrund 3♠ S ♣T +1 170     7   23.19 81
Sæl Heiður 2 N A -1     100     36.59 49
35 SOS 4♣x w A =     710     27.82 72
Superlagnir ehf 4♠x S T -1     200 11   30.52 65
36 Íslenskur Lanbúnaður 4♠ S ♣T -1     100     29.27 70
Maximal 2♠ S T +1 140     6   27.49 73
37 Toj us 4♠x S T -2     500     30.49 66
Annata 3♠ S 9 = 140     12   25.25 77
38 Gunnar Björn 2 N K -1     100     23.94 79
Grant Thornton 4♠ S T -1     100     29.49 68
39 Valmar 2♠ S T +1 140     6   27.83 71
Tekt ehf 4♠ S Q -1     100     24.55 78
40 Rangæingar 3♠ S T = 140     6   31.72 62
Sveinbjörn Eyjólfsson 3♠ S T -1     100     17.76 83
41 Skinney-Þinganes 2 N ♠9 -3     300     13.87 84
Fálkar 5♣x w A -1 200     11   26.29 75
42 Margrét                 22.85 82
Triangle 1                 -44.15 86
43 Léttsveitin                 7.56 85
Triangle 2                 -45.07 87
44 Mörgæsirnar                 41.23 38
Triangle 3                 -90.78 88