Round 9:2 > Board 21       Sat 19 at 16.45 - 18.30
Swedish Premier League 2019
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RankMatchCrossBracketScorecardBoardPersonalLine-upButlerBid+playDUPScheduleVugraphRosterConv card
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Tbl Select match:
 1  Överums BK, Glyssner
Uppsalabridgen, Skalman
 2  BK S:t Erik, Ebenius Crew
Ulricehamns BK, 09
 3  Gävle BK, Zmrzlina
Harplinge BK
 4  Filbyter Bridge, San Sac
Storsjöbygdens BK, Morgan
 5  Ludvikabygdens BK, Bosse
Filbyter Bridge, Team Zang
 6  BK Lavec, Smile
Norrorts Bridge
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