Transnational Mixed Teams > Qualifying
World Bridge Games 2008
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RankMatchCrossBracketScorecardBoardPersonalLine-upButlerBid+playDUPScheduleRosterConv card
Show/hide:VP IMP OppIMPΣIMP VPBrdsVP RankMatchLine-upRosterHand (above)(below)(left)(right)PBN
Rnd Tbl Lee VP IMP   VP Rank
 1   0      Indonesia B  0  25  1  58    0  114
 2   0      Hanlon  5  25  8  42    5  115
 3   0      Qinghai Electric Power  9  21 20 39   14 116
 4   0      Karus 19 11 37 23   33 110
 5   0      PTT  4  25 17 56   37 114
 6   0      Shanghai Wusong High School 16 14 23 19   53 111
 7   0      TianJin Normal University A 16 14 45 42   69 111
 8   0      Jamaica 14 16 24 27   83 113
 9   0      Welsh Dragons  7  23  3  32   90 115
10  0      Team pursuit of perfection  8  22 23 47   98 118
11  0      Uru-Ven  2  25 10 56   100 118
12  0      Peking University 11 19 11 24   111 118
13  0      MA Steel 12 18 20 32   123 118
14  0      New Star  7  23 17 46   130 118
15  0      Hubei - Fed. of univ. sports 11 19 27 40   141 118