Open Teams
Reykjavik Bridge Festival 2017
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RankMatchCrossBracketScorecardBoardPersonalLine-upButlerBid+playDUPScheduleRosterConv card
Show/hide:VP IMP OppIMPΣIMP VPBrdsVP RankMatchLine-upRosterHand (above)(below)(left)(right)PBN
Rnd Tbl Castner
VP IMP   VP Rank
 1  40     Sorvoll 5.20 14.80 13 28   5.20 67
 2  34     Grant Thornton 14.54 5.46 24 10   19.74 43
 3  22     Haugaland 11.14 8.86 13 10   30.88 40
 4  20     The team 17.34 2.66 33  6    48.22 26
 5  12     Pálmi Kristmannsson 5.46 14.54 14 28   53.68 32
 6  19     Gunn and the boys 14.28 5.72 27 14   67.96 28
 7  13     Töfri 18.97 1.03 41  3    86.93 12
 8   7      Otx sf 15.97 4.03 37 17   102.90  8 
 9  16     Jón Baldursson 6.57 13.43 15 25   109.47 11
10  5      Málning hf 2.32 17.68  5  34   111.79 20