Bonus Cup > Round of 32b
Swedish Bridge Festival 2010
Select team:
Bahaj Journalist Röda laget
Bergvärmespecialisten Konga Säcks-Pack
Dynabyte Lerner Säfflås
Ericson Lom Kao Stenis
Expats Majorn Swebul
Frissan Majstången Sweden 1
Greven 1 Mälardalen 3 TopBridge
Hit a Worm Medelpad 1 Trappar Upp
Iceland Open Norrlands Guld Yellow
IMPact Pionjär ZANG
Inter PriceRunner
You have clicked Personal in the menu. This means you have to select a team in the above list. Hint:   Click team names in all windows. That immediately shows the personal scorecard.